
Monday, April 18, 2011

Book Review #1

I love to read.  I love to write.  It's probably pretty natural then that I love to write book reviews.  If you are ever in Moore, OK you can pick up a copy of the Moore Monthly and likely read one of my reviews.  So, from time to time here I will post some book reviews.  They may not all be "mommy books" (I do have a little bit of a life outside of motherhood) but they will likely be books that mommies will enjoy.  So, here goes:

The Pioneer Woman: Black Heels to Tractor Wheels by Ree Drummond.

I believe my fellow mommy blogger friend is the one who first told me about the Pioneer Woman but I'm not really sure.  You know how some things just seem to have always been a part of your life?  Well, rarely a day goes by anymore that I don't check up on her blog and see what's new out there at the cattle ranch.  Oh my goodness, the photographs alone are worth the trip.  Not to mention the great recipies.  Not to mention the hilarious stories.  And, the cowboys, ah, the cowboys...
Ooops, back to the book.  This is the story of her life-changing, lightning bolt, whirlwind romance with a slow-talking, hard working cowboy.  After living the single gal life on the West Coast, she decides to stop back briefly in her Oklahoma home town before heading to law school in Chicago.  One night, she meets Marlborough Man in a smoky bar and the rest is history.  Sounds cliche, right?  Actually, there is waaaayyy more to it than that but I don't want to ruin the story.  Truly, this to me was an almost universal story of how life throws you unexpected game-changes and how you deal with them.  Making the decision to re-write her entire life plan is painful and delicious, and she writes of her experiences with such honesty and humor that you feel drawn into the story.    Anyone who has experienced the transition from that irrational, obsessive first flush of new love to the deeper, stronger, but more difficult day to day marathan of sharing a life with someone will see a bit of themselves in this story.  It is about believing completely in one other person.  What this woman did was a true leap of faith and she is brutally, hilariously honest about the good times and bad that this leap has brought her.  She is someone you want to have a chat with over a cup of coffee, or at least read about and root for.  This book was a true delight and I was a little sad when it ended.     

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