
Friday, July 22, 2011

Cool Science

Inspired by my creative mommy friend, we ventured to the Science Museum Oklahoma today.  If you grew up in Oklahoma, you probably are still calling it the Omniplex, and that's okay too!  I'll admit this museum was a bit off my radar.  I went several times as a kid and loved it, but I guess I was thinking my kiddos were not old enough to enjoy it yet.  Not true it turns out!

For one thing, they have a pretty cool young kids play area with water, bubbles, a John Deere (it IS Oklahoma you know) and lots of other hands-on stuff.  A lot of the exhibits here reminded me of the Jasmine Moran Children's Museum, also an excellent museum.  My kids particularly liked roaming around in the giant mouth,  I thought that part was a bit strange, but whatever keeps them from pulling each other's hair.  They had an amazing space exhibit, a really cool optical illusion art gallery, a great play area complete with ginormous twisty slide, and lots of lumberjack-inspired toys, games, and machines.  What I loved about this museum was that it really expands upon the idea of what people see as "science."  We saw exhibits on weather, simple machines, sound waves, space, art, oral health, bicycles, too many to list.  It makes kids realize in creative and fun ways that science is everywhere and that it can be really exciting.  Plus, I don't think there is anything in the place that is "no touch" which is great for little kids.  They really are able to get in and explore, learn, listen, feel, and unfortunately for my son, taste a few things!  Off the radar no more, we will be hitting the highway for this gem on a regular basis from now on.

Here's an extra tidbit:  I found a discount coupon for myself here.  Plus, children under 4 are free (and mine are) so it was a pretty cheap outing as well!

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